The Choir of Saint John’s Church is a professional ensemble of singers devoted to the living, unbroken tradition of Anglican choral worship. The choir sings each Sunday between Michaelmas and Trinity Sunday, as well as at choral celebrations of the Holy Eucharist on Principal Feasts. Choral Evensong is offered on the third Sunday of each month within the season, as well as on Principal Feasts which fall on a Sunday.
The choir exists solely to give praise and witness to the glory of Almighty God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost by worship in the historic Anglican tradition, as set forth in the Book of Common Prayer. The choir is supported as a form of Christian outreach to the surrounding community through both the preservation and cultivation of the musical treasures of the Anglican tradition. In accordance with that tradition, only the highest professional standards are employed or acceptable.
Membership in the choir is available by audition to singers interested in the continuation of this tradition. Familiarity with the pronunciation of standard western European languages, especially of Latin, is expected of all choristers, as are skills in sight-reading, stylistically suitable vocal production, and professional demeanor. Recipients of choral scholarships receive a competitive compensation.
One of the mission purposes of Saint John’s Church is to educate future generations in the great traditions of western church music. To that end, advanced students and young artists are often admitted to the choir on a probationary basis, and are offered individual assistance by the Master of the Choirs toward the enhancement of their professional skills.
From the instructions given Solomon for the building of the temple to the architectural splendour of cathedrals and parish churches throughout the centuries, art has continually been called upon to glorify its Creator. It is indeed fitting that such art should, in its various forms, adorn and perfume this place of Divine worship. Support for fine church music is essential, and gifts to this end are vitally necessary. We depend on our Friends to help us preserve to the Church’s use its own brilliant treasury of music for the elevation of the soul to God.
Contributions at all levels are welcome and most gratefully received. Both general and specific gifts to Music at Saint John’s Church can make fine memorials for a loved one-for example, patronisation of the Village Music Series, contribution toward the preservation of the organ, or the endowment of a choral scholarship.